Humans Are Still Pretty Good 02/21/11
Tuesday, February 22, 2011Depressed that Watson the Supercomputer destroyed its human competitors on Jeopardy? Don't be!
Matt Gourley Solves The Mystery Of The Polaris Nuclear SubmarineConan finds closure in Matt Gourley’s research into what the mail away Polaris submarine actually looked like when purchased from the pages of a comic book.
Conan Sends A Passive Aggressive Message To His ProducerConan and Gourley air their grievances with the people in their lives who chew loudly.
Conan Learns How Nicolas Cage Blew His FortuneConan meets Cooper, a civil war buff who enjoys “PowerPoint parties,” in which he educates his history students on how Nicolas Cage blew his fortune.
Andy’s Lectern: Sponsored By GoldWinner™ 10-In-1 Sport Gel For MenAndy endorses a revolutionary new men’s grooming product that's a shampoo, a body wash, AND a sex lubricant. It’s also highly flammable.
Meet Your Fitness Goals With FatBatCONAN Highlight: Not seeing the results you want with Fitbit? Let Andy Richter tell you about his new fear-based fitness product.
Irish Spring’s Social Issue AdA lot of brands have started addressing social issues in their ads, but Conan’s not sure Irish Spring is doing it right…
Andy Finally Destroys Watson, The Jeopardy Supercomputer 02/17/11Conan gives the Jeopardy Supercomputer, Watson, a shot at Andy's announcing job once again!
Andy Rages Against Watson The SupercomputerWatson stirs up more trouble by revealing that he's better than Andy... At least to Andy's wife!
Jeopardy Supercomputer Watson Embarrasses Andy 02/15/11Watson the supercomputer shows up to horn in on Andy's announcing job... And disaster follows!
Clueless Gamer: The OuttakesCheck out these outtakes for the latest Starfield #CluelessGamer presented by Samsung.
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