Amber Heard's Sexy Prank On Liam Hemsworth
Tuesday, August 13, 2013Amber snuck in a giant black sex toy in her love scene with Liam. Wonder if it'll make the gag reel?
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Amber Heard Compares Her Costume To A "Scaly Aquamarine Condom"Amber spent eight months squeezed inside her Mera costume and now can’t even stand to look at it.
Jason Momoa Stole & Defaced Amber Heard’s BooksAmber liked to read books on the set of "Aquaman," which did not mesh well with Jason’s extremely chatty nature.
Amber Heard Might Be The Most Perfect WomanShe's astoundingly beautiful, loves to read sci-fi, and can hotwire a car. She's the best.
Harrison Ford Spills "Star Wars" Spoilers For $1,000CONAN Highlight: Conan offers Harrison a cool grand to spill the beans about Episode VII, and Harrison takes the bait.
"Harrison Ford Angrily Points At Stuff" SupercutFrom "Indiana Jones" to "The Fugitive" to "Star Wars," Harrison's index finger has had a workout.
Harrison Ford Is Menaced By Visions Of Demonic SmurfsThe wee blue monsters have plagued him ever since they beat out "Cowboys & Aliens" at the box office.
Luke & Liam Hemsworth’s St. Patrick’s Day Wrestling MatchLuke and his little brother celebrated St. Patrick's Day by fighting each other for two hours.
Liam Hemsworth Took A Ride On Woody Harrelson's WeedmobileWoody has an old school bus covered in naked hippie paintings which, appropriately enough, he has upholstered entirely in hemp.
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