Chris Hemsworth On "Snow White And The Huntsman"
Friday, June 8, 2012Chris Hemsworth talks about his horse troubles on the set of "Snow White and the Huntsman."
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Matt Damon Left A Massive Spider On Chris Hemsworth's DoorstepWhen Matt encountered a gigantic Huntsman spider in Australia, he knew just the place to release it.
Chris Hemsworth Chose Not To Be In “Captain America: Civil War"Chris Hemsworth wasn’t benched for "Civil War," he just had other things to do. Like put on a fake mustache and yell "not enough hammers" out loud at "Civil War" screenings.
Chris Hemsworth Explains What’s Going On In This Picture With Chris PrattChris Pratt's uncomfortable smile in this photo is the result of Chris Hemsworth massaging his "lower spine" area.
Chris Hemsworth On The Ups & Downs Of Portraying ThorChris Hemsworth explains why playing Thor requires a catheter.
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Charlize Theron's Annoying Turkish Eclipse AdventureIf you want to ruin Charlize Theron's day, play some 4 Non Blondes.
Thor's Hammer Is Cluttering Up The #ConanCon StageOnly the worthy may pick up and wield Mjölnir. Somehow it seems Will Arnett is worthy.
Jason Schwartzman's "Thor" Audition ReelGetting a buff Aussie like Chris Hemsworth is too obvious a choice; the "Rushmore" star deserved a chance to shine, too.
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