Deadpool Red Band Trailer: World Broadcast Debut
Wednesday, August 5, 2015Ryan Reynolds takes advantage of CONAN’s one-night-only TV-MA rating to premiere the NSFW trailer for his crazy mutant mercenary alter ego, Deadpool.
Ryan Reynolds Isn’t The Only Star With A Rabid FanbaseRyan Reynolds and Conan both had frightening encounters with fans this week.
Julian Dennison Wasn’t A Fan Of Ryan ReynoldsBefore shooting "Deadpool 2," Julian mostly just knew Ryan Reynolds from "Green Lantern"...
Morena Baccarin & Conan Have Both Made Out With Ryan ReynoldsCONAN Highlight: Morena's “Deadpool” sex scene was great, but it’s not Conan’s favorite Ryan Reynolds love scene...
Lizzy Caplan Hates Watching Herself ActLizzy Caplan hates watching herself act, but she does want to watch herself in “Zero Day” alongside Robert De Niro and Angela Bassett.
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Ryan Reynolds Saw A Ton Of Deadpools This HalloweenSadly rather than go as the Merc with the Mouth again, Ryan opted for a gorilla mask from Target.
CONAN Is Rated TV-MA TonightThanks to Ryan Reynolds and his NSFW "Deadpool" trailer, Conan's crew finally unleashes its bottled-up violence, nudity and profanity.
Ryan Reynolds On How "Deadpool" Became A RealityCONAN Highlight: Ryan explains how the Merc with a Mouth got his own movie, but Conan is already VERY familiar with Deadpool.
Movie Trailers Are Too VagueThe only thing worse than a movie trailer that gives away everything is a trailer that says absolutely nothing.
Forget "Steve Jobs," Get Ready For "Michael Dell"CONAN Highlight: The new biopic that implores viewers, "Don't think different...think same!"
EXCLUSIVE Sneak Peek: "Batman V. Superman"The Caped Crusader does battle with the Man of Steel in the greatest arena of all.
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