Jim Parsons & Conan Raid The "Big Bang Theory" Set With A Fan
Friday, December 6, 2013Jim treats a CONAN audience member to a very special souvenir from "The Big Bang Theory."
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Jim Parsons' Mayim Bialik Spanking TechniqueCONAN Highlight: "The Big Bang Theory" star spent a LOT of time perfecting the sound his hand made on Blossom's butt.
Jim Parsons Almost Rocked Princess Leia's Slave BikiniCONAN Highlight: Sadly for "The Big Bang Theory" viewers, it was downgraded to a French Maid outfit.
Jim Parsons Will Never, Ever Forget "The Elements" SongNot to be outdone by Jim, Conan shows he can still rattle off his Santa speech from 2nd grade.
Simon Helberg On Hugh Grant's "Panic Sack"Both Hugh and Simon were terrified about having to work with Meryl Streep, so they both decided to turn to natural remedies to calm their nerves.
Simon Helberg On The End Of "The Big Bang Theory"It's been ten season of "The Big Bang Theory," or as it was originally titled, "Lenny, Penny, & Kenny."
Why Did Simon Helberg Get Booed At Comic-Con®?Simon is not as nerdy as his "Big Bang Theory" character and the geeks in San Diego weren't pleased.
Simon Helberg On The End Of "The Big Bang Theory"It's been ten season of "The Big Bang Theory," or as it was originally titled, "Lenny, Penny, & Kenny."
"The Big Bang Theory" Got A Street Named After ThemThe city of Pasadena declared February 25th "Big Bang Theory Day" and gave them their very own street. It's much nicer than Conan's.
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