Mike Merritt's Inner Thoughts: Donald Trump Edition
Tuesday, June 7, 2016According to the Basic Cable Band's bassist, Conan is so white cops pull him over to give him Pinkberry gift cards.
Matt Gourley Solves The Mystery Of The Polaris Nuclear SubmarineConan finds closure in Matt Gourley’s research into what the mail away Polaris submarine actually looked like when purchased from the pages of a comic book.
Conan Sends A Passive Aggressive Message To His ProducerConan and Gourley air their grievances with the people in their lives who chew loudly.
Conan Learns How Nicolas Cage Blew His FortuneConan meets Cooper, a civil war buff who enjoys “PowerPoint parties,” in which he educates his history students on how Nicolas Cage blew his fortune.
Clueless Gamer: The OuttakesCheck out these outtakes for the latest Starfield #CluelessGamer presented by Samsung.
Clueless Gamer: "Starfield"Conan and Aaron Bleyaert take a ride through the Milky Way in the latest Starfield #CluelessGamer, played on Samsung Neo QLED 8K.
Conan Gets Advice From A Longtime SiriusXM HostConan befriends a fellow SiriusXM host and plots his take down of Hair Nation on Channel 39.
Mike Merritt's Inner Thoughts: MLK Day EditionThe Basic Cable Band's bassist thinks Conan is so white, he makes Ted Cruz look like Tupac
Mike Merritt's Inner Thoughts: Starbucks Race Together EditionThe Basic Cable Band's bassist thinks Conan, the human Altoid, is too white to weigh in on African-American issues.
Mike Merritt's Inner Thoughts: Martin Luther King Day EditionOur bassist is pretty sure that Conan is the whitest man alive and has no place talking about MLK.
Black Panther's Inner ThoughtsConan takes a moment to pontificate about inclusiveness at Comic-Con®, but T'Challa knows the closest Conan's ever been to Africa was orchestra seats for "The Lion King."
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