Neil Patrick Harris Discusses Man-On-Man Butt-Touching
Wednesday, July 31, 2013Neil got his butt honked by Elton John's husband, but for gay dudes, it's no big deal.
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Neil Patrick Harris Bares All About His Sex ScenesCONAN Highlight: "Gone Girl" isn't the first time that Neil's had to act in the buff, but this time he didn't have to do "the helicopter" to get ready.
Neil Patrick Harris' Teen Three-Way KissNeil recalls, "I made out with two girls at the same time... it was super-fun for me, and kinda disgusting for the two of them!"
Neil Patrick Harris Is Nervous About Acting In DragCONAN Highlight: Neil's gonna do Hedwig on Broadway but Conan warns Neil to eschew the use of duct tape on his junk.
Neil Patrick Harris Thinks "The Smurfs" Are Like CrackDon't worry, concerned parents of America, Neil meant the <i>good</i> kind of crack.
Neil Patrick Harris Is A Proud Poppa To BabblersNeil Patrick Harris' twins can't talk yet, but they sure do try.
Neil Patrick Almost Paralyzed Maria MenounosWhen it comes to playing flag football for charity, NPH does not mess around.
Neil Patrick Harris Thinks "The Smurfs" Are Like CrackDon't worry, concerned parents of America, Neil meant the <i>good</i> kind of crack.
Henry Winkler's Awkward Interactions With Iconic MusiciansHenry can't seem to keep his cool around iconic musicians like Bruce Springsteen and Elton John.
Vinnie Jones' Tipsy Run-In With Queen ElizabethAfter enjoying Elton John's wine, Vinnie made a smart remark to Queen Elizabeth and got royally rebuffed.
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