Republican Presidential Candidate Factoids
Friday, September 9, 2011The factoids onscreen during the last GOP debate were a little bit surprising.
Conan Poaches His Executive Producer’s AssistantConan wants his producer Adam’s executive assistant to focus on teaching him how to become more physically flexible.
Matt Gourley Solves The Mystery Of The Polaris Nuclear SubmarineConan finds closure in Matt Gourley’s research into what the mail away Polaris submarine actually looked like when purchased from the pages of a comic book.
Conan Sends A Passive Aggressive Message To His ProducerConan and Gourley air their grievances with the people in their lives who chew loudly.
If They Melded: Peter Griffin + He-Man EditionWe've smashed celeb videos together and got an unholy mess that's part Kris Jenner, part Dalai Lama.
Conan And Michele Bachmann Have One Thing In CommonAndy reveals the one thing that Conan & Michele Bachmann share.
Conan On Mitt Romney's Secret Twitter AccountCONAN Highlight: Mitt Romney, aka Pierre Delecto, revealed to "The Atlantic" that he follows "the big redhead from Boston" on his secret Twitter account.
Senator Bernie Sanders: Romney Was Right To Call Trump A FraudDespite that, Romney might still be Trump's Secretary of State, a position Bernie would never take.
Tizz Hanley 4 President!Sure, Mitt Romney may have bowed out of the 2016 race, but completely different person Tizz Hanley is ready to go!
Farewell To Newt & Callista GingrichNewt Gingrich is dropping out of the Republican primary, so Andy's dropping his amazing Newt impression.
Newt & Calista: Florida Concession EditionYou'll think you've got double vision!! Terrible, frightening, nightmare-inducing double vision.
Newt & Calista Are Back!As if once wasn't horrifying enough, Conan and Andy dress up as the GOP's wildest couple for a second time!
Handwritten Additions To The GOP Tax BillRepublicans scribbled in last minute addendums to their tax bill like, "life begins at insertion."
Republicans Are Workshopping Their Comey ResponseRepublicans plan to respond to the Comey hearing in a language everyone understands — dancing!
Samantha Bee Wants To Sponsor The Republican National ConventionNow that Samantha is an American citizen, she wants her face right next to the American flag hanging behind Donald Trump.
Andy Richter Explains Rick Perry's Presidential CampaignIs it correct? No. Is Andy's heart in the right place? Also no.
Rick Perry Gets Honest On Tax BreaksRick Perry was asked about his tax plan, and he gave a real straight answer.
Clueless Gamer: The OuttakesCheck out these outtakes for the latest Starfield #CluelessGamer presented by Samsung.
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