Senator Bernie Sanders Isn't Optimisitic About President Trump
Wednesday, November 30, 2016Trump may change his mind every ten minutes but Bernie cautions that that isn't cause for relief just yet.
Adam Scott Challenges Bill Burr To Rewatch “CHiPs”Adam Scott thinks that people don’t realize how much better television dramas are now than when he was a kid watching TV with his parents, and he challenges Bill Burr to to rewatch “CHiPs” with that in mind.
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Ray Romano Applied To Be A Monologue Writer On Conan’s ShowRay Romano told Conan he was “bummed” that he wasn’t hired as a writer on “Late Night,” despite getting “Everybody Loves Raymond” the following year.
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Conan: Bernie Sanders Doesn't Know What A Podcast IsConan jokes about Joe Rogan, Michael Bloomberg, and Gwyneth Paltrow’s new Netflix show.
Conan: Bernie Sanders Is Trailing Behind Baby Yoda In The PollsConan jokes about the impeachment hearing, Baby Yoda, and Nancy Pelosi.
Bernie Sanders Cosplays As Junebug From "My Little Pony"Senator Sanders, aka James Adomian, stops by #ConanCon to fight for free college tuition and access to quality hoofcare.
Dana Carvey Knows All Of Trump’s Verbal TicsCONAN Highlight: The longtime presidential impressionist imitates Trump’s verbal tics and "patronizing rhythm" of speech.
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