Mitt Romney's Five Sons: Our Dad Is A Prankster
Thursday, June 21, 2012Mitt Romney is a prankster AND he can moonwalk. Who knew!?
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Conan On Mitt Romney's Secret Twitter AccountCONAN Highlight: Mitt Romney, aka Pierre Delecto, revealed to "The Atlantic" that he follows "the big redhead from Boston" on his secret Twitter account.
Senator Bernie Sanders: Romney Was Right To Call Trump A FraudDespite that, Romney might still be Trump's Secretary of State, a position Bernie would never take.
Tizz Hanley 4 President!Sure, Mitt Romney may have bowed out of the 2016 race, but completely different person Tizz Hanley is ready to go!
EXCLUSIVE: "Growing Up Romney" - The Never Before Seen Romney Brothers Campaign AdTagg, Craig, Matt, Ben, and Josh Romney talk about what it was like having Mitt as a father in this web
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Mitt Romney's Five Sons: Call Us The Romney BrothersConan meets the Romney brothers and hands out some name tags just to be safe.
Please Stop Congratulating Deon Cole On Obama's Re-ElectionThere's only so much white high-fiving a black man can take before it gets scary.
"Drunk" Diane Sawyer Had A Lot Of CompanyCONAN Highlight: Many suspect the ABC anchor was soused, but as the tape shows, she was not alone.
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