Sacha Baron Cohen's Wild Liam Gallagher Story
Thursday, March 3, 2016Sacha based his "Brothers Grimsby" character on the foul-mouthed rocker, who once threatened to stab Sacha in the eye.
Jason Bateman Shares What He Learned From Ron HowardJason Bateman shares how he looked to Ron Howard as inspiration as a child actor wanting to direct films as an adult.
Matt Damon Wanted To Play Michael Bluth In “Arrested Development” MovieMatt Damon was such a huge fan of “Arrested Development” that he told Jason Bateman he wanted to play Michael Bluth in the Bluth family movie.
Adam Scott Challenges Bill Burr To Rewatch “CHiPs”Adam Scott thinks that people don’t realize how much better television dramas are now than when he was a kid watching TV with his parents, and he challenges Bill Burr to to rewatch “CHiPs” with that in mind.
Adam Scott Bombed On CONANConan usually forgets when his former late night guests bomb on his show, but Adam Scott’s particularly bad bit lives in his mind rent free.
Isla Fisher On What It's Like Being Married To Sacha Baron CohenCONAN Highlight: Isla chose the wrong day to bring her whole family to the set of “The Brothers Grimsby.”
How Sacha Baron Cohen Snuck Ali G Into The OscarsThe producers had no idea that Sacha and his wife had smuggled in Ali G's costume in her unmentionables.
Sacha Baron Cohen Showed His Movie To Kim & KanyeSacha wanted to get a honest reaction from an average American family, so he asked the Kardashian-Wests to see what they think.
Bono Took Danai Gurira To A Birthday DinnerDanai got a special treat for her birthday: Bono singing her happy birthday.
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